Tourism Whistler

Membership Overview

Legally known as the Whistler Resort Association, Tourism Whistler is the non-profit member-based marketing and sales organization representing Whistler. Formed in 1979 at the recommendation of the provincial government, Tourism Whistler is responsible for promoting the resort as an international, four-season destination with the goal of increasing overnight visitation.

Tourism Whistler represents more than 8,000 Members who own, manage and operate properties or businesses on designated “Resort Land” including hotels, restaurants, activity operators and retail shops. Membership is compulsory for all owners of property on Resort Land and all Members are required to pay assessments.

Membership assessments are the primary source of funding for the worldwide marketing and sales initiatives Tourism Whistler executes to help ensure the long-term viability of the resort’s tourism economy.

Affiliate Membership

Tourism Whistler’s Affiliate Membership Program provides businesses operating outside of Whistler's designated “Resort Lands” the opportunity to establish a formal working-relationship with Tourism Whistler.

The purpose of Tourism Whistler’s Affiliate Membership Program is to partner with businesses that fill gaps in services or visitor offerings available to Whistler guests, and to supplement the products and services offered by the organization's compulsory members.

Benefits of Becoming an Affiliate Member

Affiliate Members have access to all the tools and resources available to all Tourism Whistler Members, including:

  • Tourism Whistler’s member website, a central hub of information and member resources.
  • Visitor research reports and resort performance metrics prepared by the Tourism Whistler Research Department.
  • Marketing resources, including Tourism Whistler’s seasonal campaign toolkits, member opportunities, business event opportunities, and access to professional photos, videos and b-roll.
  • A business listing on the Business Directory.
  • Access to Tourism Whistler’s weekly member newsletter, which highlight the latest tools and resources available to members.
  • Exclusive access to Tourism Whistler member meetings, such as the Summer and Winter Launches, Inside Scoop Trade Show, and Social & Digital Media Meetups.
  • Opportunities for exposure through Tourism Whistler’s sales and marketing efforts (at the discretion of Tourism Whistler).
  • Potential to be sold through, Whistler’s official source for visitor bookings and information (at the discretion of
  • *Note: Affiliate Members are exempt from voting at Tourism Whistler’s Annual General Meeting.

    Membership Fees

    All Members, including Affiliates, are assessed and invoiced annually. Affiliate Membership fees vary and are calculated based on the size and scope of the business.

    Annual invoices are distributed in December and fees are due on January 31 through pre-authorized payment.* Failure to pay fees by the annual due date will result in the termination of membership. Businesses who have their memberships cancelled may reapply to the program the following calendar year.

    *Note: Pro-rated invoices will be issued to new Affiliates who apply and are accepted for membership throughout the year.

    Affiliate Membership Eligibility Criteria

    To qualify as an Affiliate Member of Tourism Whistler and maintain membership status, businesses must meet the below criteria:

    • Be a visitor-facing business and/or fill a visitor need that directly supports tourism in the resort as determined by Tourism Whistler.
    • Be located in Whistler and/or enhance the experience for Whistler guests.
    • Be in business in the resort for more than one year, with positive guest reviews and feedback.
    • Operate legally and ethically with all proper licensing, zoning, and approvals.

    How to Apply

    If you are interested in becoming an Affiliate Member of Tourism Whistler, and your business meets the above criteria, please complete the online Affiliate Application Form.

    Any questions about membership can be directed to Tourism Whistler’s Member Relations Department, at