Monthly Installment Plan
Split your annual fees into 10 equal monthly payments, at no additional cost, provided you enroll in our Monthly Installment Plan. This monthly payment option is available as an automated, pre-authorized plan through your Canadian bank account only. You can sign up any time before February 25 to benefit fully from the program. Any sign ups after February 28 will be subject to a make up payment for the first intallment for any months that have been missed.
For both existing participants, and new enrollments in the Monthly Installment Plan, the balance on your account at February 28 will be split into 10 equal amounts which will be processed on the last business day of every month from February to November. In order to enroll in the Monthly Installment Plan, your account must be in good standing. Sometimes transactions will appear on your bank statement a few days later.
To enroll, verify or update your payment information, please visit and log in with your Member number and access code, located on your invoice.
Until your UDF is submitted, both common and commercial fees will remain outstanding on your account. This means that if you do not submit your UDF before February 25, your monthly installment amount will be deducted at the full Residential Resort Lot Rate. If you submit your UDF after that date, we will adjust your account and monthly installments accordingly
Annual Pre-Authorized Payment Plan
Pay automatically once a year, on the last business day of March, from your Canadian bank account. Sign up or verify your payment information online at and log in with your Member number and access code from your Invoice.
Interac E-Transfer
Through your online banking, create a contact for Tourism Whistler using as the email address. Enter the Member number in the comments so we know where to apply your payment. Password set up is not required as this is an auto deposit. Interac e-Transfer is only available to send or receive funds in Canadian dollars from any financial institution enrolled with Interac e-Transfer within Canada that allow auto-deposit. Some Credit Unions do not allow this. Please note that your bank may charge you for e-transfers.
Mail a cheque payable to Tourism Whistler to 4010 Whistler Way, Whistler, BC V8E 1J2. Please you write your Member number on the front of the cheque to ensure your payment is applied to the correct account. Cheques must be mailed in time to arrive before March 31. Please allow plenty of time, especially if mailing from outside Canada.
Online Banking
Using your own online Canadian banking payment tool, add Tourism Whistler as a payee and use your Member number as the account number. Tourism Whistler may be listed as either Whistler Resort Association or Tourism Whistler on the payee list at your bank. (Do NOT select Whistler Property Taxes, or Resort Municipality of Whistler.)